Business Law Attorney in San Antonio, Texas

Effective, Affordable Legal Services That Let You Grow Your Business.

Business law is the cornerstone of any thriving enterprise, enabling a business to operate smoothly. In the competitive market of San Antonio, Texas, having a proficient business law attorney can be a game-changer, providing you with strategic counsel that safeguards your interests and propels your ventures forward. 

The Jacobson Law Firm, P.C. helps entrepreneurs, small businesses, and medium to large companies with a variety of business law services designed to make getting legal help simple, straightforward, and affordable, serving clients across a variety of industries, from landscapers to large healthcare organizations. 

Whatever your business, you’ll have confidence knowing that The Jacobson Law Firm, P.C. is ready to help you with the challenges of running a business, from reviewing a lease agreement to taking your business to the next level. 

Located in San Antonio, Texas, the firm serves clients throughout San Antonio, Central Texas, and South Texas, including Bexar County. Reach out today to see how Dana Jacobson can assist with your business needs.  

What Is Business Law? 

Business law encompasses the body of laws and regulations that govern the formation, operation, and dissolution of businesses. It covers various legal areas, including contracts, intellectual property, mergers and acquisitions, employment law, intellectual property, regulatory compliance, and dispute resolution.  

Business law ensures that companies act legally and responsibly, providing a structure where businesses can operate efficiently and fairly. Whether it involves drafting a partnership agreement, following federal and state regulations, or protecting a company's brand through trademarks and copyrights, business law plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and smooth operation of commercial activities.  

Understanding and adhering to business law helps prevent legal issues and positions a company for sustainable growth and success. The Jacobson Law Firm can answer any questions you have about business law. 

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Services The Jacobson Law Firm, P.C. Offers

For Small to Medium Businesses: 

General legal services contract: The most popular service, designed especially to give affordable legal counsel to small businesses. It starts with an initial deposit of $1,500 in a trust account. That money is set aside for whenever you need legal help, such as reviewing a contract or lease agreement.  

When you have a question or want your lawyer to review something, any services are deducted from the initial deposit. This is a refreshingly simple and affordable alternative to a traditional retainer arrangement (where you pay a fixed amount per month whether you use it or not). 

Registered agent program: When The Jacobson Law Firm, P.C. serves as your company’s registered agent in Texas, the firm receives official papers for your business, including court papers if your business is sued.  

It’s important to have a registered agent outside your company, especially for small businesses–the registered agent’s street address will become public record, which isn’t ideal if you work out of your home. Dana and support staff also make sure your papers are up to date with the Secretary of State–one less thing for busy entrepreneurs to worry about. 

For Medium to Large Corporations: 

General counsel services: The Jacobson Law Firm, P.C. serves as out-of-house counsel to a number of mid-size and large companies, providing general legal advice, contract review, and managing any legal matters that arise. 

For Any Business Owner or Entrepreneur:

Consulting agreement: This service helps entrepreneurs who want an hour of legal advice, whether it’s about starting a business, taking over a business, or understanding the legalities of an issue. Provided with the background documentation in advance, Mr. Jacobson will review it and meet with you to discuss your concerns and your options from a legal perspective. 

FAQs About Business Law

What is corporate governance, and why is it important? 

Corporate governance refers to the system of rules, practices, and processes by which a company is directed and controlled. It involves balancing the interests of a company's many stakeholders, such as shareholders, management, customers, suppliers, financiers, government, and the community.  

Corporate governance is crucial because it ensures transparency, accountability, and fairness in a company's relationship with its stakeholders, which can lead to sustainable business growth and reduce the risk of fraud and malpractices. 

How does antitrust law affect businesses? 

Antitrust law, also known as competition law, is designed to promote fair competition and prevent monopolies or unfair practices that could harm consumers or other businesses. These laws prohibit practices like price-fixing, market allocation, and bid-rigging. 

Compliance with antitrust law ensures a level playing field, encouraging innovation and protecting consumers from inflated prices and limited choices. Businesses must understand and adhere to these laws to avoid hefty fines and legal disputes. 

What is the significance of employment law in business operations? 

Employment law governs the relationship between employers and employees, encompassing areas such as wages, workplace safety, discrimination, and workers' compensation.  

Adhering to employment laws is essential for businesses to create a fair and equitable work environment, avoid lawsuits, and maintain a positive reputation. It also helps protect the rights of employees and ensures that businesses comply with state and federal labor regulations. 

How does intellectual property law protect my business? 

Intellectual property law includes patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets, which are essential for protecting a company's innovation and brand identity. By securing intellectual property rights, businesses can prevent others from using, imitating, or profiting from their unique products, services, or ideas.  

This protection can enhance a company's market position, preserve its competitive edge, and provide legal recourse in case of infringement. Understanding intellectual property law is vital for businesses to safeguard their valuable assets and foster continuous innovation. 

Business Law Attorney in San Antonio, Texas

Choose The Jacobson Law Firm, P.C. for your business law needs. The Jacobson Law Firm, P.C. advantage: Regardless of your business size, you’re a big deal at The Jacobson Law Firm, P.C. Whether you’re a one-person LLC or a multi-million dollar limited partnership, your business is a priority at The Jacobson Law Firm P.C.  

Contact The Jacobson Law Firm, P.C. today to start enhancing your business.